Cell Phone Etiquette at a Funeral

By: Matthew Funeral Home
Monday, December 18, 2023

Cell phones may be a vital part of life for most of us these days, but misusing a phone can be a major faux pax at a funeral. This article will discuss proper cell phone etiquette during a funeral.

Turn Off Your Phone

Generally, you should turn off (or silence) your cell phone before entering the funeral home. Devote your attention to the service, remembering the deceased, and supporting those grieving around you. 

If You Can’t Turn Your Phone Off

If you can’t turn your phone off, be sure to set it to silent. It’s understandable to need to check your phone if the kids are with a babysitter, or for other urgent matters. If need be, step out of the room to check it on occasion. Calls should be made outside of the funeral home.

Cell Phones and Child Distractions

Some parents allow their kids to play games or watch videos on their phones. However, a funeral is neither the time nor the place for this. Be sure to discuss funeral etiquette with your children ahead of time. This includes instructing them to keep their phones off and away. 

Cell Phone Use and Coping with Grief

Funerals can be emotionally draining. Sometimes it can help to text a friend for support or to distract yourself if need be. Just be sure to step out of the room first. Overall, it is important to remember that funerals are about coming together to support one another as we grieve. 

Reconnecting with Friends and Family

Funerals are often a place for people to reconnect after some time apart. And while we all wish for better circumstances, it can be good to see your loved ones again. It can be helpful to exchange contact information briefly. Taking photos or selfies at a funeral is generally frowned upon. 

The author of this post is not a professional therapist or counselor. For assistance in finding a grief counselor that is right for you, there are several resources out there. For our Grief Resource Center, written by Dr. Bill Webster, click here. 
For over 50 years, Matthew Funeral Home has been serving the Staten Island community. We can help with almost every aspect of your loved one’s memorial service. Our family is here to serve yours, every step of the way.

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