Service Uniforms at a Funeral

By: Matthew Funeral Home
Thursday, February 20, 2025

In many organizations and service professions, it is customary to wear a uniform to the funeral of a fallen member, or the loved one of a member. Wearing a uniform to a funeral shows comradery, solidarity, and support for your fellow member or their loved ones. Below, we will discuss some details about uniform use during services for military service members, police officers, and firefighters. We will also includes some information for non-professional organizations and service groups. 

Military Service Members and Veterans

The men and women who have served in the military are often honored at their funeral with military service and presence. The military, in all branches, have customs that govern their etiquette at a funeral.
For the military, dress uniforms or service uniforms are generally worn. Battle dress is not allowed. Your uniform should include all decorations, medals, badges, ribbons, and insignia, although active personnel should defer to the commanding officer's directive. Retired servicemen and women may wear uniforms with the insignias and rank held at the time of retirement. If a color guard is requested, they will be in full dress uniform as well
If you are wearing a hat, you should salute when the hearse passes you, and during the lowering of the casket into the ground. If you are not wearing a hat, place your hand over your heart; only during “Taps” and the gun salute.

Police Officers

The funeral of a police officer is often honored with police presence. Whether or not they passed in the line of duty, it is common for other officers to attend, in uniform. When the officer dies in the line of duty, extensive funerals are often held, with the family’s wishes, of course.
Full military-style honors are made available to those heroes who fall in the line of duty, starting with a casket watch. The duty of those with the high honor of casket watch provide a standing vigil during the wake or viewing. 
Uniforms may be altered for the funeral. The most common type of alteration is the shrouded badge; where a piece of black tape or cloth is placed across a badge horizontally. Each precinct, city, or state will have its set orders for honoring officers. A color guard is often present.


Firefighters have customs for funerals, often separate from the police. However, if the firefighter dies in the line of duty, they will be given full military-style honors.
In most cases, formal wear or the Class A uniform is proper. Badge shrouding is also common for firefighters. Many firehouses will have more individualized traditions when they lose a member; such as tolling the firehouse bell.

Clubs, Service Organizations, and Groups

People across the nation, and the world, are part of volunteer and service clubs. Many of these groups have their traditions surrounding funerals and memorial services. This can include groups like the Kiwanis, Rotary International, the Elks, the Bucks, the Freemasons, Scouting organizations, and more. Each organization may have its customs and rules regarding etiquette for a funeral. It may be as simple as wearing a pin on your lapel, or another mark of distinction. It is important to check with the family before organizing members for a presence at the funeral. Some families may be happy to have you visit, without marks of distinction. Speak with your chapter president, look into the chapter bylaws, or look at the organization’s national rules in regards to funerals; for more information. Generally, the chapter president or 
For over 50 years, Matthew Funeral Home has been serving the Staten Island community. We can help with almost every aspect of your loved one’s memorial service. Our family is here to serve yours, every step of the way.

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