Remembering Those We Lost on 9/11

By: Matthew Funeral Home
Tuesday, September 11, 2018

September 11th means a lot to Americans across the country. A day of tragedy, of loss, of heartache. The loss of 2,997 American lives. But to us, in the New York City area, the day truly hits hardest. Many of the lives lost were family and friends. Almost everyone in our city lost someone that day, or because of illness caused by that day. Ask almost anyone, and they remember what they were doing when the towers were hit. With so much loss, it is important to understand the grief of the day, and to know what you can do to honor your loved one on this day.

Dealing With Grief

Grief is a complicated and complex emotion. It can sneak up on you slowly or hit you hard and suddenly. Many survivors and those who lost loved ones alike are stricken with grief on September 11th. It is important to understand your grief, and to know that it is natural. Everyone grieves differently.

For many people, 9/11 also represents a different kind of loss. A loss of safety, a loss of trust in the world. After such tragic events, such heartbreak, it is natural to feel this way. When we remember our loved ones that we lost this day, we are also remembering this lost sense of safety in our own everyday lives.

Light a Candle

If your church has a room or section for memorial candles, light one for your loved one. Be the light for your loved one on this tragic day.

Visit the Memorial and Museum

The 9/11 memorial in Manhattan is often packed with friends and family of those lost on that day. It can be comforting to be surrounded by those who went through the same heartache and loss as you and your family. There are usually eulogies, speakers, and ceremonial blessings for your loved ones. 

Visit their Burial Site

Travelling to the cemetery to visit your loved one is a common occurance on the anniversary of a death, especially when it is a sudden one. It is good to take loved ones to the cemetery, visit the deceased, and remember all of the good times you had with them.  

Memorialize Your Loved One at Home

Some families dedicate a part of their home or their yard to their loved one. While cemeteries may be far or hard to get to, a small monument or dedicated shrine in your backyard or garden can make you feel closer to them. We can help you design and create a custom memorial for you. 

For almost 50 years, Matthew Funeral Home has been serving the Staten Island community. We can help with almost every aspect of your loved one’s memorial service. Our family is here to serve yours, every step of the way.

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