5 Yoga Poses to Help Maintain your Health

By: Matthew Funeral Home
Friday, June 5, 2020

Yoga is a great way to improve your health. Yoga offers you a good opportunity to stretch your muscles and work on balance; which are both important for staying healthy as you age. 1 in 4 seniors will experience a fall each year. This is often due to poor balance and muscle strength. Even doing a few beginner poses each day can help you maintain healthy muscles and good balance. There are plenty of good resources online for free yoga videos, but this article will explore 5 yoga poses that are great for beginners; while working on a variety of muscles.

Before Starting Yoga

Ask your physician before starting any new exercise regimen. You will most likely get the OK for yoga, because it is often low-risk, and good for older individuals. Be sure not to push yourself. Yoga is about peaceful exercise and self-care, and is not usually a heavy workout. 
Consider purchasing a yoga mat. They help cushion the body during poses, and provide traction to reduce the risk of injury. If you do not have great balance, consider looking up chair yoga; a type of exercise that uses a chair for helping with balance during poses.

Mountain Pose

The Mountain Pose is the starting position of most standing yoga poses. It is a way of standing tall with your feet together at the toes. This pose may seem simple, but it helps promote balance and proper posture. It can also assist with deep breathing.

Warrior II Pose

The Warrior II Pose helps with hip muscles and hip flexibility. Maintaining proper form does not require a lot of practice or balance, but can strengthen the quadricep muscles in your arms. This pose opens the chest and lungs, and is a great pose for improving circulation.

Tree Pose

The Tree Pose works on maintaining balance; while stretching the thighs, groin, torso, and shoulders. It helps strengthen the calves and ankles, and can help build abdominal muscles.

Bridge Pose

The Bridge Pose is done on the floor. It helps with stress and improves digestion. This pose opens up the chest, heart and shoulders. It helps strengthen the back, glutes, ankles, and legs. The Bridge Pose stretches the chest, neck, shoulders and spine; while stimulating the lungs and thyroid.

Cobra Pose

Lastly, the Cobra Pose is also done from the floor. This pose helps stretch the back and spine, and reduces stiffness. It is a very popular pose for reducing back pain associated with desk jobs. The cobra pose elevators the mood and invigorates the heart. It also helps build shoulder and arm muscles.

These poses, and many others, can be a great start for beginners. Yoga can be a good way to help maintain your body as you age. Even doing yoga for just 10-20 minutes a day can help reduce stress and make you feel healthier.
For almost 50 years, Matthew Funeral Home has been serving the Staten Island community. We can help with almost every aspect of your loved one’s memorial service. Our family is here to serve yours, every step of the way.

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